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What is vacutainer system and the advantage

A Vacutainer system is one method of performing venipunctures, or blood draws. The system consists of a plastic holder, a double-ended needle and Vacutainer tubes. One end of the double-sided needle is inserted into a hole at the top of the plastic holder and screwed on. The other side of the needle is inserted into the vein and the Vacutainer tube is inserted into the plastic holder to perform the blood draw.

Vacutainer Advantages


Unlike other venipuncture systems, which require the phlebotomist to accurately draw the correct amount of blood needed for a test, Vacutainer tubes are calibrated to fill to the specified amount needed. This helps reduce the necessity of repeat sticks to get enough blood for testing.

When other methods of phlebotomy are used, there is a risk that hemolysis, bursting of blood cells, may occur. One advantage of the Vacutainer system is that it draws blood into the tubes at a safe speed, reducing the risk of hemolysis.

With Vacutainer tubes, dilution of the blood is more accurate. Each tube is pre-filled with the appropriate amount of additive, reducing the likelihood that the dilution will be inaccurate.

2.Efficiency and Safety 

The Vacutainer system is particularly effective when multiple samples are required. The phlebotomist simply waits until the first tube is filled and then replaces it with another tube. As long as the needle continues to be positioned correctly, multiple tubes can be inserted and filled.

The Vacutainer system of venipuncture uses a closed system which reduces the risk of spilled blood. This has the advantage of protecting the phlebotomist from inadvertent exposure to blood-born pathogens.more Blood collection tube equipment to see http://m.tedamall.com.cn/en/html/Product/list_45.html
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